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Friday, March 20, 2009

To God be the Glory.

God is so good, God is so good, God is so good he is good to me.. I do not give him enough credit, he deserves it all because without Him my life would be so depressing. When I need comfort I pray to Him and he comforts me, when I lay awake and night scared, I pray to him and He relaxes me - the next thing I know it is morning and I slept fine. When I don't know where my life is going I lay it all down to Him and He tells me that my life is right on track.. I try so hard at the things that I do but I think that's more of the man He made me to be then me trying to do things my own way. I will always try hard because that's what I do but where God comes in is giving me contentment in the outcome. I may try extremely hard at something and then fail but I can be okay with the failure because I know that what ever the trial was, God allowed it to happen to me to draw me closer to Him. When things are going well I am thankful, I thank God for what he has given me and go on with my life, but I don't cling to Him like I do when I'm going through a painful situation. God understands me when other don't. My closest friends don't understand me... I think SS understands me pretty well but we don't talk about it much. I was talking to my sis a while back and I was joking about how people don't "get" me and she said that that probably wasn't a very good thing. I have to agree with her, it isn't a good thing because when people don't understand you you tend to get lonely. Well, maybe not lonely, I don't know what word would describe the feeling maybe lost or alone, they are all similar feelings but different in their own ways... Princess is pretty good at reading my emotions. Well, it could be intuition or she just gets lucky. For some reason she knows just when to ask how I'm doing and I usually tell her I'm doing okay but sometimes I go into detail. But when she asks she is actively listening and when she asks she's not just talking about how I am doing emotionally but also "what God is doing in my life.." Or maybe she is the only person who asks how I am doing and really means it. Coming to that realization just made me cry.. Yeah, thanks dude, you mean so much to me. To my other friends defense, they ask me how I'm doing but it usually comes across in more of a casual "guy" sort of way, like "What's up, how you doin'?" So it is probably very genuine but doesn't come across like that. I think the timing has something to do with it, Princess asks at the right time when no one else is around or when its just the three of us. But on the same note, I don't ask my friends how they are doing, not like Princess does... Or maybe I already kinda know what is going on in their lives so instead of asking how they are doing I instead ask probing questions to see if they will expound.. I don't know, I'll have to ask how they are doing more and what God is doing in their lives. That is where fellowship and soal bonding seems to really make a difference. Well this is much longer then I planned on it being..

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