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Sunday, May 1, 2011

What does it mean when you call a girl and she doesn't pick up even though you know that she is really there??

I was on my way to church tonight when my car died, then I got home and heard that Osama Bin Laden had been eliminated. So my night went from sucky to pretty decent. And then I chatted with a girl online for a while. I've chatted with girls online a lot, I guess I don't know what to think. Maybe girls aren't that much different from guys in some regards.. Like, we are both putting ourselves out there, wanting to be understood, but at the same time we probably don't want to be understood to the point that it would take away some type of advantage that we have, or feel we have over each other. Its like a boy vs. girl sort of thing. We both want everything from the other side but we still hold back. Well, I don't feel like I'm holding anything back. I'm just confusing myself. Maybe the problem that I have is that I want something that I can't really have.. This girl, for example, I think she is really cool. Maybe cool is too old school of an explanation. I think that she is super awesome.. Better? Anyway, maybe she is unattainable because of the distance.. But I have a feeling that if the distance was not an issue then something else would be an issue. Maybe it just comes down to the fact that she doesn't like me like that and never will. In that case, for me to try to be her friend then I'm trying for all the wrong reasons. She could probably "get" any guy that she wanted, however I've heard girls tell me the same thing. But then I find a girl that I think I "want" but the feelings aren't reciprocated. Its hard though.. There are a lot of other girls out there and I have a feeling that the ones that I "want" probably aren't interested in me. I don't think I'm a bad guy, but I must not have the qualities that they expect or desire. I should be fine with that, or at least be able to move in another direction. Maybe I just see what I want to see, or see what I'm looking for. Or, maybe I don't know how to read the signs. I'm pretty sure that is one of my problems. If a girl is only willing to do what is easy for her then I shouldn't be willing to put myself out there for her. Girls seem to live my their own rules.. Or have expectations for guys but guys don't know what those expectations are. I guess my biggest question would be, "what does it mean when you like chatting with a girl but she doesn't want to talk to you on the phone?" I've run into this a couple of times... Like, a girl will be texting me and personally, I would rather talk on the phone, so I call them and then they don't answer. What does that mean? Does it mean that they don't like talking on the phone? Or does it mean that they just don't want to talk to me? Maybe it just means that they are in the bathroom and they don't want to talk... Or is it like a test? Like, do they want me to try again later? I think that's my biggest question right now.. Well, I could call back later but then that would feel like I was stalking them and I don't know if that's how she would perceive it.. I want to believe that is just means that they don't like talking on the phone. But in the case with this specific girl, don't think she want's to talk on the phone with me. If she wanted to talk on the phone with me then you would think that she would say, "hey, call me.." or something like that. I guess I come back to the question of why the girls that I'm really attracted to or really enjoy hanging out with me don't really like me? This is where the people sitting on the fence, watching the situation unfold, say, "she doesn't like you, deal with it you schmuck, move along..." So, I guess that's what my biggest question about girls is... "What does it mean when you call a girl and she doesn't pick up even though you know that she is really there?" I guess it could mean any number of things based on each woman's situation, but I think if I knew the answer to that question and understood it, I would be better off...

1 comment:

  1. i'm one of those people, dude. i'll text a person, girl, guy whomever, and if they call i don't answer. for me, if i called you, i wanted to talk. because i text you, you should respond in kind. maybe thats a little harsh, but , yeah, sometimes I just don't want to talk. majority of the time i just don't want to talk.

    i think everyone has expectations for everyone. guys expect a certain thing from girls ( sympathy, femininity) and girls have expectations too ( confidence, in control). i guess you could say those are roles.

    our minds, most guys anyway, tend to get the best of us. personally, i conjure up scenarios and assume a lot. but to be honesty, you just never know.
