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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Broomball was Awesome!!

My landlords had a broomball party on Saturday, it was a ton of fun!! Now I am recovering but it was all worth it. It was actually more fun then I thought it would be because some of my closest friends had other things going on. Most of them were out of state though so I can't expect them to make the drive just for a game.. We played for close to three hours, what a workout!!

I chatted with a close friend tonight, we talked for over an hour. He's awesome, its good to be able to confide in someone and be able to trust them. I give trust willingly, maybe that's part of the reason I'm so gullable. I want to believe people when they tell me something, but people are usually pulling my leg. I guess that's a personality flaw of mine, I joke around with people a bunch but then I don't know when they are serious or just kidding around.. Whatever though, I don't really care. Anyway, it is such a blessing to have friends who want to talk. Do I blogg about my friends too much? I hope not. I guess I talk about what is important to me..

I went ice fishing today with some other friends, guy time is nice, you can be yourself and do guy stuff. I'm myself with my other friends, I think I blogged about that, what does it mean to be yourself if you don't really know who you really are? I can be many types of people. Okay, maybe I'm just being dumb... I need to get to bed, enough thinking for tonight.. Praise God for giving us the ability to think and reason!

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